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CHAN, Chi-tak

Born in Hong Kong in 1961, Chan obtained his degree from Taiwan's Tunghai University and pursued his postgraduate studies at Lingnan University. He is the founder of the journals 《呼吸詩刊》 [Breathe] and 《詩潮》 [Wave of Poetry], and is currently teaching at the Education University of Hong Kong. His publications include 《解體我城:香港文學1950-2005》(Disintegration of My City : Hong Kong Literature 1950-2005) and 《地文誌:追憶香港地方與文學》(Land and Words : Recollections on Places of Hong Kong and Its Literature).
Book Title:
CityPoetry 2001: Poetry, Documentation, Essays

CHAN, Chi-tak

Publishing Location:
Hong Kong

CityPoetry Project